2016年8月4日 星期四

父親節 (1)

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2016/08/05 第315期  |  訂閱/退訂  |  看歷史報份  |  寂天閱讀網
【編輯小語】 寂天講堂
【英語學習Plus】 父親節 (1)
【本月發燒書】 聚焦英語演說:56篇偉大演講【新增二版】
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父親節 (1)

Seeing as there is Mother's Day to honor the world's mothers, it's only fair that there should also be Father's Day—a day to honor the world's fathers. This was the exact reasoning that motivated Sonora Louise Smart Dodd of Spokane, Washington to begin her campaign for a nationally recognized Father's Day.

The idea came to her in 1909 while listening to a sermon at her local church about Anna Jarvis's creation of Mother's Day. Dodd was greatly inspired by Jarvis's efforts to make Mother's Day a national holiday and completely understood Jarvis's devotion to her beloved parent. Dodd's own father, a Civil War veteran, was widowed when his wife died in childbirth.8 He had made countless sacrifices and shown unconditional love in raising her and her five siblings. Therefore, to commemorate her father, she convinced the Spokane Ministerial Association to support the idea of holding a special Father's Day celebration.

Although Dodd initially chose June 5, her father's birthday, for the celebration, she failed to provide event organizers enough time to make arrangements, and consequently the first Father's Day observance was postponed to June 19, 1910, the third Sunday of that month.


這個想法始於1909 年,杜德夫人在當地教會聽到一則講道,內容關於安娜.賈維斯女士所創立的母親節。杜德夫人深受賈維斯女士的啟發,她完全了解賈維斯女士推動母親節成為國定節日的努力,還有她對摯愛母親的全心奉獻。杜德夫人的父親是位美國內戰老兵,他因妻子難產去世而成為鰥夫,他在養育杜德夫人和她的其他五位手足時,做出無數的犧牲奉獻並展現出無私的愛。因此,為了紀念她的父親,她說服斯波坎牧者協會來支持她的想法,舉辦一場特別的父親節禮讚。

雖然杜德夫人原本選定在她父親的生日六月五日舉辦慶祝活動,她卻因沒給主辦單位足夠的活動籌辦時間,使得第一個父親節被延至1910 年六月19 日,是該月的第三個星期日。

<< 本篇選自 中西節慶英語 >>
全書共精選【56篇】歷史上最具影響力、最憾動人心的英語演講,主題多元,內容豐富,篇篇各具特色。演說所觸及的領域,包括人權、政治、戰爭、和平、社會、階級、犯罪、信仰、文學、哲學、科學、醫學、人性、愛情、理想、實業、環保、動保等。 ....詳全文
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