進書店就「便意」濃?! The Mariko Aoki Phenomenon APR.12,2021/Enjoy Editors 時間回到 1985 年,有本雜誌《Book》的第四十期中,編輯刊載了一名東京女性讀者的投書。她寫道每一次走進書店,她就會有迫切想上廁所的衝動。這封投書刊登之後,許多讀者回應自己也有類似的經驗。(In 1985, in the 40th volume of the magazine Book, the editor published a letter from a woman in Tokyo. She wrote that every time she walked into a bookstore, she would feel the urge to use the restroom. After the letter was published, many readers responded by saying they shared similar experiences.) |