2019年12月9日 星期一


【北美智權報】探討專利與智慧財產權,涵蓋各國重要的侵權訴訟分析、法規解析,提供您需要的IP實務與知識! 【好讀人文歷史報】以生活化方式,讓你輕鬆認識歷史上的大小新鮮事,並從全新視野觀照歷史。
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2019/12/09第325期 |  訂閱/退訂  |  看歷史報份  |  LiveABC 官網
�砍�典撥�剁� 瞏桅��憭拇���勗�拙噸嚗�銝�銝�璅�������銋�頝�
撱嗡撓摮貊�嚗� 憭�撣��萇�典��
�望�����餌�嚗� 瘥��乩���
瘣餃��敹恍��嚗� �亥�+�梯�
Khalid: A Different Path to Fame

There used to be only one path to becoming a music star. First, a producer discovers you. Then, you work with him or her to make your first album, and hopefully, it becomes a hit.
Khalid��s path to stardom was different. He spent much of his childhood bouncing around different places because of his mother��s job as a US Army singer. As a result, he often felt sad and alone. At that time, he was not yet a musician but had a strong love and talent for music thanks to his mother��s influence. In his own words, he ��was raised through music.��
For his senior year of high school, Khalid ended up in El Paso, Texas. To help deal with his feelings, he wrote songs and posted them on SoundCloud. As the day of his senior prom got closer, the young man wanted to put out a special song for the occasion. This turned out to be his breakthrough single ��Location.�� The song launched Khalid to fame after a social media star played it on her Snapchat, which happened to be on the same day that Khalid graduated high school.



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night market coupon
蝬�瞈��函�箔����臬���扳����嚗��潔�撟港���銝剝��憪��潭�曉�撣��萇�典�賂�����蝘��祆����鋆��拇�寞����芰�梯���摰a�支�雿�摰踹�舀���萎�����隞亙�嚗� ���賡����瘥��蹂��曉��嚗���撘萎�����嚗�瘥�銝�頨怠��霅�������銝�甈∴���憭�撣��萇�典�詻��

domestic travel n. phr. ���扳����
incentive n. 瞈��蛛�瞈��菜�寞�
boost v. 靽��莎�����
tourism n. 閫���嚗�����璆�
accommodation n. 嚗��剜��雿輻�函��嚗�雿�����雿�摰�
subsidy n. 鋆�鞎潦��鋆��拚��嚗�銴��詨耦�漳ubsidies嚗�
take effect v. phr. ����

Taiwan��s government is offering vouchers, which can be used for night market shopping, to promote domestic travel and boost tourism.

2019/12/09 (銝�)

The song launched Khalid to fame after a social media star played it on her Snapchat, which happened to be on the same day that Khalid graduated high school.

2019/12/10 (鈭�)

Known for his full, powerful voice and catchy, accessible lyrics, this humble kid has truly had a fast rise to the top.

2019/12/11 (銝�)

It's a rare type of lemur that lives high up in the treetops and is known to locals as an aye-aye.

2019/12/12 (��)

Legends tell of an aye-aye's ability to curse a person simply by pointing at them.

2019/12/13 (鈭�)

While everyone wants to look at ease in their pictures today, this wasn't always the case.



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