2019年12月9日 星期一

Escape to New Adventures 逃脫密室大冒險

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2019/12/10 第431期 訂閱/退訂看歷史報份直接訂閱

Escape to New Adventures 逃脫密室大冒險
If you’re looking for an exciting challenge, try and see if you can make your way out of an escape room.


  Do you ever daydream about being on a secret mission or an exciting adventure? If so, escape rooms may be for you. In an escape room, you are locked in a room and have to solve a puzzle or complete a mission before time runs out. There are many different scenarios to try. Sometimes you’ll be rushing to repair a vehicle flying through space. Other times, you’ll be trying to steal valuable art from a museum. Teamwork is usually required, so you’ll have to work with friends or strangers. And you’d better work fast, because most games have to be completed in about one hour.
  Escape rooms have become very popular in recent years. In fact, there are now probably over 10,000 escape rooms around the world! It’s easy to see why they’re a hit. Escape rooms let people feel like they’re a character in an exciting movie or book. Also, they are fun for people of almost any age or background. So, the next time you feel like finding your way out of an Egyptian underground grave, consider an escape room!


1. escape vi. 逃走,逃離
The thief that we just saw escaped through the window.
2. lock vt. & vi. 鎖住;把……鎖住
It occurred to Roger that he forgot to lock the door this morning.
3. puzzle n. 謎;難題
The origin of life remains a great puzzle to scientists.
* origin n. 起源,由來
4. vehicle n. 交通工具(可指飛行器);車輛
Sheldon will drive us because he is the only one who has a vehicle.
5. valuablea. 有價值的;值錢的
Time is very valuable, so don?t waste it.
6. require vt. 需要
Getting good grades in school requires a lot of studying.
7. a hit n. 非常成功或很熱門的人事物
The comedian is a hit with people of all ages.
* comedian n. 諧星
8. consider vt. 考慮,細想
There are many things to consider when you accept a new job.

daydream vi. 做白日夢,幻想
scenario n. 劇情;情況
underground grave n. 地下墳墓

Do you ever daydream about going on a secret mission or an exciting adventure? If so, escape rooms may be for you.
上列句中的 so 為代名詞,用來代替前面句中所提過的情況或概念。在本文中,If so 即等於 If you ever daydream about going on a secret mission or an exciting adventure。

feel like 的用法
1. feel like 後面接子句(S + V)時,表「覺得像/感覺好像……」,如本文中第一次出現的用法,此時 like 即等於 as if 的意思。
The sound effect in the haunted house made the couple feel like they were being chased.
2. feel like 後面接動名詞(V-ing)時,表「想要做……」之意,如本文中最後一句的用法。
Do you feel like going to the movies tonight?
3. feel like 後面接名詞時,表「感覺/摸起來像……」或「想要……」。
Jack’s criticism made Martin feel like a fool.
Some people think that spiderwebs feel like silk.
Jenny feels like a cup of coffee now.



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