薰衣草|浪漫•芬芳•療癒 Lavender: A Spice, Fragrance, and Medicine? FEB.8,2021/Bruce E. Bagnell
Chances are good that you have smelled or even tasted lavender without knowing it. In addition to being a colorful garden plant, lavender is used in a variety of perfumes and colognes. It is used as a spice in culinary dishes, like pasta, salads, dressings, and desserts.(你很可能曾在不知情的狀況下聞過或甚至嚐過薰衣草。薰衣草除了是一種鮮豔的花園植物外,也被用於各式各樣的香水和古龍水中。它作為香料被加進像是義大利麵、沙拉、醬料和甜點等料理中。) - cologne n. 古龍水(芳香化合物含量較低的香水)