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2023/07/07 第676期  |  訂閱/退訂  |  看歷史報份  |  寂天閱讀網
【編輯小語】 緊急情況
【英語學習Plus】 Li Shizhen: A Medical Legend 醫界傳奇:李時珍
【本月發燒書】 品味莎士比亞英文名作選【精裝典藏版】 (25K+寂天雲隨身聽APP)
【好康情報局】 ★ 2023年日檢書展★


police station 警察局
police offi cer 警察
police car 警車
report 報案
arrest 逮捕
suspect 嫌疑犯

★ I want to report a robbery at my house. 我要報警,我家被搶劫了。
Mark:Hello! Is this the police?
Police:Yes. Can I help you?
Mark:I want to report a robbery at my house. The robber took my gold watch and 60,000 dollars.

★ I want to report a stolen car. 我要報案,我的汽車被偷了。
Police:Good afternoon, sir. May I help you?
Peter:Yes. I want to report a stolen car.
Police:Where did you last see it?
Peter:I last saw it in the parking lot in my neighborhood.

────── 節錄寂天講堂「緊急情況」

Li Shizhen: A Medical Legend 醫界傳奇:李時珍

Chinese history is full of famous rulers, generals, monks, and advisers. There are several well-known doctors as well. Li Shizhen is one of these doctors. Some people call him "the father of Chinese herbal medicine."

Li Shizhen was born in Hubei in 1518 during the Ming Dynasty. In his early life, he was always sick and never studied enough to pass the state examinations that would have given him a secure position in the local government. Instead, he spent his time studying medical textbooks and observing his father at work. His father taught him a lot about how to treat patients.

When it came to medicine, Li was a quick learner. It wasn't long before he was granted a medical position in the capital. While he was there, he read rare medical books and exchanged views with many other influential scholars.

Li didn't stay in one place for long. He began a massive project called the Bencao Gangmu and traveled throughout the region looking for strange plants and new ways to cure diseases. Bencao Gangmu is an encyclopedia of medical herbs. It combines information from more than 800 other books and contains detailed descriptions of 1,892 substances. He spent almost 30 years writing this enormous book, but unfortunately he didn't get to see the book published before his death in 1593. During his writing process, he relied on his sons and grandsons, who helped with the transcripts, illustrations, and editing. If it weren't for their hard work, one of the most important books in Chinese medicine may never have been published.

While Bencao Gangmu might have been Li Shizhen's biggest accomplishment, it certainly wasn't the only one. He is also credited as being one of the first doctors to discover gallstones and use ice as a treatment for fever and steam as a treatment for infection.






──選自《英語閱讀技巧完全攻略 1【二版】(加贈寂天雲Mebook閱讀學習APP)》

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